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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Start of a downfall ;)

Downfall it is! I have a feeling that, next to facebook, this'll be yet another addicting and time-consuming 'visit' on the internet. :) I started following a friend of mine on this website with her pregnancy progression and realized there are many other people on this website! It's nice to read about everybody's adventure and them wanting to know about others! I figured this'll be a great time to join this site to follow everybody's summer tales and trips and I would also love to share ours with others. So if you come across this blog now, please, feel free to add me... I'd love to follow yours!


  1. Hey cute girl!! I am so glad you joined! It will be time consuming and very addicting at first. But it is a VERY fun way to see what everyone is up to. Welcome!!

  2. Nina!!!! I'm so glad you have a blog now!! I love having more and more of my friends join and good job on figuring out how to do the background the pictures, everything. It took me hours!!!


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